The concept for the under seat is great.
Things to consider:
- On my style truck (18 F150), the plate obstructs access to the seat release handle. Not a huge deal, you can manually release the catch at the hinge side of the seat nearest the door.
- The plate does have a tendency to 'shift' or slide with periodic raising and lowering of the seat (the straps will only get so tight.) The truck has a small cargo tray under the seat that binds up with the plate, hindering the range of motion of the seat (won't fully drop into place.) Need to keep the plate as close to the front edge of the seat as possible. I'm looking for some means to better fix it's position to eliminate the sliding.
- The overall width easily accommodates a short barreled rifle and two (2) 30 round magazines.
- Always looking for new and improved ways to better store and organize gear and fire arms. Under the seat allows me improved storage options and stays clear of passengers and out of sight from passerby's looking to rip me off.
Thumbs up. Recommend to anyone needing to organize and increase storage options.