The Perfect Pelican Case Lid Organizer - Grey Man Tactical Rigid MOLLE


The Perfect Pelican Case Lid Organizer - Grey Man Tactical Rigid MOLLE Panels

Grey Man Tactical makes several Pelican Case Lid specific Rigid MOLLE Panels, but any one of our panels can be used to mount to the lid of your Pelican Case. For those Pelican cases that have pre-molded mounting points, we are slowly expanding our line up of matching panels.

Currently we have the Pelican 1620 compatible 13in x 21.25in Rigid MOLLE Panel lid organizer, and the Pelican 1495 compatible 13.125in x 18.50in Rigid MOLLE Panel lid organizer which have pre-drilled holes to match the molded mounting points. 

For cases without molded mounting points you have several options. Industrial Strength Velcro, Gluing down a mounting point that can be screwed into, or gluing down a metal bracket and fastening rare earth magnets to the panel. 

Currently we have the Pelican 1700 and 1750 compatible 13in x 34.75in Rigid MOLLE Panel Lid Organizer for rifle cases and the Pelican 1650 compatible 15in x 25.75in Rigid MOLLE Panel Lid Organizer. Many other size panels can be used to accommodate other Pelican and Similar Hard Shell gear cases.

One of our customers sent in the below image of Pelican 1690 (larger on left) and Pelican 1650 (smaller on right). He orderd a 21.25in x 23in Rigid MOLLE Panel for the Pelican 1690, and drilled holes to match the pre-molded mounting points on the lid. For the 1650, a 15in x 25.75in Rigid MOLLE Panel will fit well, but there were no pre-molded mounting points. This customer super-glued large metal washers onto the lid, and mounted rare earth magnets in matching positions on the Grey Man Tactical Rigid MOLLE Panel. It makes for a strong, non-invasive, and removable mount. Thanks for sharing those pictures brother!

Grey Man Tactical Rigid MOLLE Panel Pelican 1690 Case Lid MOLLE Organizer and Pelican 1650 Case Lid Rigid MOLLE Panel Organizer


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